March 13th, 2021
Doors open at 8am. Women and Novice Lightweight men will compete in the AM session. Everyone else will compete in the PM session.
AM Session:
Rules meeting starts at 8:30am. Competition starts at 9:00am.
PM Session:
Rules meeting will be no sooner than 12:30pm. Competition starts no sooner than 1:00pm.
Updated schedule, weigh in information, parking details, and more will be posted about a week out from the show.
We’re back at Neuse River Crossfit! It’ll be outside in the back, just like last year. Feel free to bring tents and camp chairs, we’ll have plenty of space!
Neuse River Crossfit
7711 Welborn St SUITE 105
Raleigh, NC 27616
James Deffinbaugh and Spider Strength Gym
Contact us at SpiderStrengthGym@gmail.com
Entry Fee
$85. Entry fee is refundable – just let us know (by emailing spiderstrengthgym@gmail.com) if you can’t make it by February 1st and we’ll refund the entry fee.
Strongman Corp membership also required. New members $77, renewal $42 annually. Sign up or renew here.
Registration Deadline
Deadline to enter and be guaranteed a shirt is February 22nd.
Entry fee refundable if you drop out by February 1st.
Divisions Offered
Women’s Novice Under 160
Women’s Novice Over 160
Women’s Open Under 140
Women’s Open Under 180
Women’s Open Heavyweight
Women’s Masters (40 or over)
Men’s Novice Under 200
Men’s Novice Over 200
Men’s Open Under 175
Men’s Open Under 200
Men’s Open Under 231
Men’s Open Heavyweight
Men’s Masters (40 or over)
Nationals Invites
Top two competitors from any open division with at least 5 competitors get an invite to the 2021 Strongman Corporation National Championship.
Top competitor from any open division with at least 3 competitors get an invite as well.
Athlete Caps
Individual classes will be limited to 12 competitors, then we’ll go to a wait list.
We may allow more than 12 competitors per class as we get closer, depending on COVID restrictions and equipment availability.
Bag Toss for Max Height
How it works:
All athletes start at the height of 11 feet.
For the first height only, both a heavy bag and a light bag will be available. Athletes have 45 seconds to get either bag over the bar. If they fail to get either bag over the bar, they will get a zero on the event.
For each successive height, athletes will have 30 seconds to get the bag over the bar. They can only use the heavy bag if they got the heavy bag over the first height. If they only got the light bag over the first height, they can only use the light bag on successive heights.
- Any height completed on the heavy bag beats anyone that only got the light bag.
- Height will increase at 1 foot increments.
- Athletes can’t skip heights.
- If you fail a height, you can’t attempt taller heights.
- If the bag gets stuck on top of the apparatus, that counts as a successful throw.
If more than one athlete completes the tallest height (17’) with the heavier bag, we will add 2.5lbs to the bag every round at the tallest height until only one athlete is left. If more than one athlete completes the tallest height with the lighter bag, it will be a tie.
- Equipment Allowed: Chalk, sleeves, belts, gloves, all the normal stuff.
- Equipment Not Allowed: Stilts and anything sticky.
What we’re using:
- Some combination of Rogue and Cerberus throwing bags filled with crumb rubber and/or sand, depending on availability.
- Adjustable throwing apparatus with a 4’x8′ board to throw over.
Novice LW (<160) Women 15, 25
Novice HW (160+) Women 20, 30
Masters (40+) Women 20, 30
Lightweight (<140) Women 15, 25
Middleweight (<180) Women 20, 30
Heavyweight (180+) Women 20, 30
Novice LW (<200) Men 30, 40
Novice HW (200+) Men 30, 45
Masters (40+) Men 35, 50
Lightweight (<175) Men 30, 40
Middleweight (<200) Men 35, 45
Middleweight (<231) Men 35, 50
Heavyweight (231+) Men 35, 55
Axle Ladder
Competitors will lift three axles of ascending weight, in order. The last axle will be pressed for reps. You do not need to re-clean the last axle with each rep, it’s clean once press for reps.
60 second time limit. There will be no split times. There are no rules against belt contact on the clean.
- Equipment Allowed: Chalk, sleeves, belts, gloves, wrist wraps, grip shirts.
- Equipment Not Allowed: Straps, elbow wraps, and anything sticky.
What we’re Using:
- Custom 2″ bare steel axles
Novice LW (<160) Women 80, 100, 120
Novice HW (160+) Women 100, 120, 140
Masters (40+) Women 100, 120, 140
Lightweight (<140) Women 100, 120, 140
Middleweight (<180) Women 120, 140, 160
Heavyweight (180+) Women 130, 150, 170
Novice LW (<200) Men 160, 180, 200
Novice HW (200+) Men 180, 200, 220
Masters (40+) Men 200, 220, 240
Lightweight (<175) Men 180, 200, 220
Middleweight (<200) Men 200, 220, 240
Middleweight (<231) Men 220, 240, 260
Heavyweight (231+) Men 240, 260, 280
Ascending Lever Deadlift
Competitor will pull the first weight on the deadlift apparatus. A volunteer will then add weight, and the competitor will lift it. Repeat for 7 weights total.
75 second time limit. No split times, your score is just how many of the weights you were able to lift (between 0 and 7).
- Equipment Allowed: Chalk, sleeves, belts, gloves, wrist wraps, straps, briefs
- Equipment Not Allowed: Deadlift suits, long figure 8 straps where your fingers don’t reach the bottom of the handle, anything sticky.
What we’re using:
- Custom side handled lever deadlift – like a car deadlift but not a car
- Handle height: 13” to bottom of handle
- Handle Diameter: 1.25”
- Handle spacing: 30” on center
Weights (in hand):
Novice LW (<160) Women 200, 230, 260, 290, 320, 350, 380, 410
Novice HW (160+) Women 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390, 420, 450
Masters (40+) Women 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390, 420, 450
Lightweight (<140) Women 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390, 420, 450
Middleweight (<180) Women 310, 340, 370, 400, 430, 460, 490, 520
Heavyweight (180+) Women 340, 370, 400, 430, 460, 490, 520, 550
Novice LW (<200) Men 380, 420, 460, 500, 540, 580, 620, 660
Novice HW (200+) Men 420, 460, 500, 540, 580, 620, 660, 700
Masters (40+) Men 460, 500, 540, 580, 620, 660, 700, 740
Lightweight (<175) Men 420, 460, 500, 540, 580, 620, 660, 700
Middleweight (<200) Men 460, 500, 540, 580, 620, 660, 700, 740
Middleweight (<231) Men 500, 540, 580, 620, 660, 700, 740, 780
Heavyweight (231+) Men 560, 600, 640, 680, 720, 760, 800, 840
Frame Carry and Drag
Competitor will carry a frame 60’ across a line, drop it, and drag it by a handle on a chain across the start line.
Front of the frame must cross the line.
Frame must be dragged by the handle.
- Equipment Allowed: Chalk, sleeves, belts, gloves, wrist wraps, briefs
- Equipment Not Allowed: Straps, anything sticky.
What we’re using:
- MB PowerCenter Deadsled
- Small handles (~1.25″ diameter)
- 17″ pick height (6 holes showing above / 1 hole showing below)
Novice LW (<160) Women 260
Novice HW (160+) Women 310
Masters (40+) Women 310
Lightweight (<140) Women 310
Middleweight (<180) Women 370
Heavyweight (180+) Women 400
Novice LW (<200) Men 440
Novice HW (200+) Men 490
Masters (40+) Men 530
Lightweight (<175) Men 490
Middleweight (<200) Men 530
Middleweight (<231) Men 560
Heavyweight (231+) Men 600
Atlas Stones
Competitors will load two atlas stones to platforms, and a third stone over a bar for reps.
60 second time limit. No split times.
Platform and bar heights are 50” for men, 46” for women.
- Equipment Allowed: Tacky, spray tack, sleeves, belts, gloves, wrist wraps, briefs
- Equipment Not Allowed: Chalk. Don’t chalk up the stones please.
Stone Weights
Novice LW (<160) Women 115, 150, 175
Novice HW (160+) Women 115, 150, 175
Masters (40+) Women 115, 150, 175
Lightweight (<140) Women 115, 150, 175
Middleweight (<180) Women 150, 175, 200
Heavyweight (180+) Women 150, 175, 200
Novice LW (<200) Men 175, 200, 230
Novice HW (200+) Men 230, 255, 270
Masters (40+) Men 255, 270, 290
Lightweight (<175) Men 230, 255, 270
Middleweight (<200) Men 255, 270, 290
Middleweight (<231) Men 270, 290, 325
Heavyweight (231+) Men 290, 325, 350
Tie Breaker – Pole Push
In the event of a two-way tie for first, second, or third in any of the non-novice classes, or in the event of a tie for first in the novice class, the winner will be decided by a Pole Push. A tie for 2nd or 3rd in Novice will be decided by count back. If there is a tie of three or more people, the top two will be based on atlas stones performance, then countback, and those top two will settle the tie by pole push.
Each match starts with two competitors holding the handles of the pole, with judge ensuring pole is centered in the ring – a chalk circle 20′ in diameter. On the judge’s command, competitors have 30 seconds to try to push the other competitor out of the ring.
Competitor wins the match if:
- Opponent steps on or outside the chalk line
- Opponent drops the pole
- Opponent touches the ground with anything but their feet or knees
- Opponent pulls the pole – only pushing is allowed
Competition format is best two out of three. If it goes for more than 30 seconds, it will count as a draw and additional matches will occur until someone wins two.
- Equipment Allowed: Chalk, sleeves, belts, gloves, wrist wraps, briefs
- Equipment Not Allowed: Straps, anything sticky
Competitor List
Last updated 3/8/2021
LW Novice Women <160.4
Karen Brinkley
Lindsay Thompson
Allie Echeverria
Valerie Breder
Rebecca Angles
HW Novice Women
Christa Owen
Racheal Paveglio
Sydney DeDominicis
Sophia Sharp
Chelsea Aquino
Renee Dupell
LW Open Women <140.4
Arianna Benfanti
Kira Wrixon
TL McCord
Kirsten Ostby
Erica Jackson
MW Open Women <180.4
Lisa Corrow
Hannah Rupp
Kate Gray
Jennifer Bates
Amber Khan
HW Open Women
Jesi Niebuhr
Emily Moore
Lauren Liles
Laurie Middleswarth
Jana Volitis
Masters Women
Christie Ferreira
Kristin McCarthy
Novice Men <200.4
Division Full!
Seth Tolbert
Sean Maunz
Chandler Merrell
Patrick Slagle
Taylor Rodely
Jeffrey Tippette
Jake Reece
Anthony Matrisciano
Timothy Arnold
Carlo Scott
Brad Munda
Novice Men 200.5+
Division Full!
Vincent Sharp
Christopher Scaramell
Kyle Jones
Ryan Friddle
Jeffrey Willms
Matt Rawls
Jacob Hollingsworth
Christopher Smith
John Everhart
Cody Walton
Kevin Baker
Andrew Jerome
Jeff Duncan
LW Open Men <175.4
Jonathon Corcoran
Quinn Romasko
Josh Fonner
Ian Draughon
Greg Schiltz
Chris Herrington
David Mickus
Nate Jones
MW Open Men <200.4
Max Neff
Tyler Perschino
Tyler Harris
Corey Lane
Darby Houghton
Ben Forrest
Richard W Laureano Jr
Cory Hock
Anthony Overfield
Ben Thomas
MW Open Men <231.4
Steven Gaudet
Eric Castro
Brendan Lynch
Nicholas Lynch
Scott Dalrymple
Kemal Carmon
Will Jones
Justin Weaver
Isaac Smith
HW Open Men
Cam Hataway
Tim Buck
Dylan Williams
Julian Onuoha
Lofton McGehee
Evan Krening
Tom Mutaffis
Jake Henderson
Alex Fedur
Joshua Colon